The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) sex addict has unique issues and challenges. Most of us just wanted to be loved and cared about when we explored the world of sex. We ended up doing things that made us feel sleazy, cheap and unwanted. Some of us found ourselves in a world of one night stands hoping for love. Other became addicted to internet porn or hookup sites. Being out of control in sex addiction can feel frightening and hopeless.
SAA is a safe place where a struggling addict can start to see a glimmer of hope, which becomes brighter over time, as recovery and sobriety are realized in day-to-day life, one day at a time. Here are the Twelve Promises of recovery, as borrowed from Alcoholics Anonymous but applicable to recovery from addiction in any Twelve step program.
Along with hope in recovery, SAA provides a support system to the struggling addict. Meetings are a safe place to be free and completely honest about the addiction, without fear of being judged. After all, everyone at the meeting has been there before! An SAA meeting is a place where love, acceptance and compassion are expressed by members toward each other, everyone there having experienced the pain of being in the addiction. It is a place where the addict can really connect with other recovering addicts, exchange contact information for support outside of the meeting, and find a sponsor to help with recovery goals through the Twelve Step program.