10 Oct Fall 2017 Speaker Conference — Saturday, November 11, 2017
Join us for our Fall SAA Intergroup Speakers Conference
Saturday, November 11, 2017 — 9:00am – 2:00 pm
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St. Paul Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith
1600 Grant Street
Denver CO 80203
Come for fellowship strength and hope with fellow members of the program for a day of camaraderie, workshops, speakers and good food. Potluck lunch please bring a dish.
- 9:00 AM Doors open registration
- 9:15 Opening remarks – Tim W
- 9:30 Susan B -SAA from a woman’s perspective
- 10:00 Work Shop Break Out Sessions
Making meetings safe for women members – Susan B
Working Step 4 – Chris G - 11:00 Potluck Lunch
As is tradition please bring a dish for potluck lunch. - 12:00 PM Bob H update on ISO activities (International Service Office)
- 12:30 Greg R personal story of strength and hope as a gay man in SAA
- 1:00 Open Mic for group feedback
We are opening up the afternoon to a session of feedback from Colorado groups on the direction you feel
the intergroup should be moving. Please give us your opinions, thoughts, and encouragement. - 1:30 Closing Remarks and Cleanup
- 2:00 Colorado SAA Intergroup Face to Face meeting. All are welcome!
The Colorado SAA Intergroup is a self supporting organization. Please be mindful of the seventh tradition when participating.
For any question big or small contact the Chairman (Tim W) at 720-879- 2111 or [email protected]
Grace and Peace be with you
Yours in Service,
Colorado SAA Intergroup