01 Feb News from the ISO — February 2018
The ISO Vision Statement: “Our vision is to be a premier global resource for recovery in support of SAA and the sex addict who still suffers,” which guides us in our outreached endeavors.
Our current outreach projects include: Green Book Translation, Audio book for the Green Book, ISO website redesign, SAA Pilot Outreach Project (helps local group reach out to the sex addict who still suffers), all of which have a combined projected cost of about $425,000, which at this time we have insufficient funds.
Because of limited funds we are not able to start “SAA Connect.” This project is a number of initiatives that would use digital technology to communicate the SAA message to the suffering sex addict, mental health professionals, and the media. We depend on our members, member groups, and Intergroups, for this funding.
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board