03 Apr Spring 2018 Speaker Conference — Saturday, April 7, 2018
Join us for our Spring 2018 SAA Intergroup Speakers Conference
Saturday, April 7, 2018 — 9:00am – 3:00 pm
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St. Paul Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith
1600 Grant Street
Denver CO 80203
Open to all who desire to stop compulsive sexual behavior. Come for fellowship strength and hope with fellow members of the program for a day of camaraderie, workshops, speakers and good food.
Potluck lunch please bring a dish.
- 9:00-9:30am — Registration and Meet & Greet
- 9:30-10:15am — Morning Speaker
Bob H: 7th Tradition and ISO update - 10:15-11:00am — Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Working Step Three and Faith: Tim W (Aurora Thursday)
Session 2: Seasonal Sobriety: Challenges and Tools for all seasons: Susan B (Golden Tuesday/Wheatridge Wednesday Night), Jason E (Denver Sunday Night) - 11:00am-noon — Potluck Lunch – Please Bring a Dish
- noon-12:45pm — Group Discussion
Intergroup Initiative – Working with Recovering Inmates: Chris G (Highlands Ranch Thursday Night)
- 12:45-1:00pm — Closing
- 1:00-3:00pm — Intergroup Meeting – SAA Members Welcome
Important Notes:
- Lunch is potluck, so bring a dish.
- This Conference is self-supporting, so please bring cash for the 7th Tradition donations.