09 Feb News from the ISO — February 2019
During its January meeting the Board of Trustees approved the 2019 budget.
The budget contains $59,000 dedicated to PI/CPC (ISO programs that aid member groups in reaching out to suffering sex addicts). Also included are funds to improve in house services which help the office meet its role of responding to member group seeking assistance. This includes IT upgrades and addition of staff at cost of about $15,000. The IT project includes the development of the SAA Connect program which will allow the ISO to meet the needs of the SAA Fellowship in many ways we are not able to do at this time.
It is important to keep in mind that the Board of Trustees works with the Executive Director and the Office to control our expenses. It is a benchmark in the Not for Profit world that wage and benefits should not exceed 70% of the organization’s total expenses. For the ISO in 2018 this number was 55% and in the 2019 Budget this benchmark is projected to be 58%. Many other steps are also taken by the ISO to be fiscally responsible.
In Service,
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board