08 Apr News from the ISO — April 2019
This year the ISO is embarking on a large campaign that will help us accomplish:
- Better communication with the Fellowship
- Provide the message of recovery to underserved areas
- Better recruit and retain our volunteers
- Improve our Board development program
- Improve diversity in the ISO, Board of Trustees, and our fellowship
- Help inform the general public about SAA and what our program offers
- Strengthen the ISO infrastructure to accomplish the above goals (primarily by significant up- grade of our IT systems)
- Green Book translations and audio book productions along with pamphlets and booklets for eight additional languages
- Increase in office staff to support these projects
- Plus, much more
The above projects are consistent with the ISO Vision: “Our vision is to be a premier global resource in the support of SAA and the sex addict who still suffers.” Next month I will review the challenges we face in funding these projects.
In Service,
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board