08 Sep News from the ISO — August 2019
One of the most important programs the ISO provides is the Public Information/ Cooperation with Professional Community (PI/CPC). In this program the ISO helps local SAA groups inform therapists and other professionals how to refer their clients, with sex addiction, to SAA, thus fulfilling our primary purpose.
The ISO has been blessed again this year with having a member come forward and offer to support a matching program. The member is willing to match donations up to $48,000.00. This provides an important opportunity for any of our members in Colorado who are able to give a significant donation ($1000.00 to $10,000.000).
We are appreciative of the large donors but they can not replace the donations from our individuals, groups, and intergroups. Please look on the ISO website to find out about our “Giving Hope A Voice” initiative.
In Service,
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board