04 May News from the ISO — APRIL 2020
The COVID- 19 pandemic is a serious threat to our country and members of our fellowship. We should comply with social distancing and stopping all non-essential gatherings of more than a couple of people.
With fewer meetings the ISO is expecting a significant drop in donation which put at risk our ability to continue the operations of the ISO.
To address this issue the Finance and Operation Internal Standing Committee COVID-19 workgroup will be taking the following actions:
1) No wage increases for the Exec. Dir. and office staff.
2) Cancel the 2020 ISO Convention and postpone it to May of 2021.
3) We will make a decision on the 2020 ISO Conference in the near future.
4) Suspend production of The Outer Circle.
5) Suspend P/I CPC activities
6) Suspend Prisoner Outreach
7) Decrease software and related costs as much as possible.
The COVID-19 work group will be meeting on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future to assess our financial situation.
We would ask our members to consider donating directly to the ISO office if they are not attending meetings. The office is working on methods to make donations as easy as possible and we will keep you appraised of these options. We are very appreciative of all you can do to help us through this difficult time.
Please share this information with the members of your groups.
In Service,
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board