02 Dec News from the ISO — December 2017
The changes in the ISO Bylaws that occurred in 2013 and 2014 resulted in significant changes in the ISO service structure as seen above.
The member groups will choose group service representatives (GSRs) who attend and vote at the Area Assemblies. The primary task of the Area Assemblies will be to elect a delegate to attend and vote at the Annual ISO Conference. In the future the Area Assemblies will probably participate in conducting other ISO business allowing grass roots input to the ISO. The transition to areas is set to occur in 2020. At that time, only the Area Assembly can choose the delegate to represent Colorado SAA member groups.
In 2014 the Conference (delegate Conference) was more formalized with the approval of the “Conference Charter” (not a legal document), which provides a working framework to guide the actions of the Conference.
The “Charter” also created the Conference Steering Committee (CSC) which is to provide direction to the Conference in conducting its business. The Conference will ultimately assume some of the functions now held by the ISO Board of Trustees and will have its own committee structure.
The Bylaws changes did not alter the relationship between the member groups, intergroups and the ISO that has been in place for many years.
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board