02 Mar News from the ISO — March 2018
The ISO Board of Trustees met Thursday, 2-15-2018 to Sunday, 2-18-2018. The primary purpose of the retreat was to do long-range planning to meet our needs for the next 3 to 5 years. The following goals where the result of this process:
- Financial Goal
Increase revenue by 20% each year for the next three years with 2018 being the base (gross income of slightly over $800,000)
- IT Goal
Upgrade software and hardware to support ISO operations
- Volunteer Goal
Recruit and train to decrease turnover of volunteers so the functions of the ISO are optimally supported
- Diversity Goal
Increase by 20% (base of 2018) in our membership and those working for the ISO in the areas of ethnic groups, gender, age, and non- English language
- Board Development Goal
Better prepare its member to carry-out their financial and fiduciary responsibly to the ISO and the Fellowship
Although not a strategic goal, the Board is preparing to search for a new Executive Director. Our present director will retire in April 2019.
Bob H.,
Trustee ISO Board